Lancelot Hex (Lancellot)

Lancelot Hex (Lancellot)
Pawn is inactive

Holy affinity, High miasma, High Fulmination

High voidspell, High gicel, High bolide

Need: A therapist ---- Augments: bastion, stability, gravitas, articulacy, acuity, attunement ---- Lancelot, the first Arch Knight of the Order of Avalon. He doesn't really need anything else apart from your (hopefully) 5/5 ratings, and maybe your pawn's blood. Lancelot is a vampire, after all. Don't forget to give him Wrymking's Ring for faster casting speed. For lower level players, feel free to add me on Steam to hire him for free.

Pawn Lancelot Hex (Lancellot)